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Jordan Hoffmaster, my incredibly talented sister-in-law, is a visionary filmmaker who has the unique ability to capture the beauty of the natural world and translate it into stunning visual stories. Her films are more than just entertainment; they're powerful tools for education and conservation. I've been privileged to witness her creative process firsthand, and each film she produces is a testament to her unwavering dedication and artistic vision.

Storytelling and Art

"The Friendly Fishes teams are ephemeral. They function more as an arthouse collective. Each project attracting different individuals with varying skills in the film industry.


Although most of their work is centered in the documentary realm, they produce both narrative and documentary films. They are storytellers and follow the stories that inspire.


'Good films come about in the process, no matter the genre or format, so we like to make the process as fun and inclusive as possible. Our sets, shoots, and edit rooms are fueled by creative drive, laughter, and comradery.'"


Check out her website

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